Intraocular Lenses (IOLs)

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There are several options available to you to achieve both distance and near vision after cataract surgery.

There are many options for intraocular lenses (IOLs) available to you as a patient to achieve your desired visual goals after cataract surgery. This is probably the most important decision you will need to make about your cataract surgery. Please take the time to review your options and ask questions of your surgeon during your visit to our New Eyes office. It is important for you to understand ahead of time that no guarantee can be made as to how well a patient will see after cataract surgery, that not every option is available or appropriate for every patient, and that results may differ from what was predicted or planned.

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What Are Intraocular Lenses (IOLs)?

Intraocular lenses (IOLs) are medical devices used in ophthalmology to replace the natural lens of the eye when it becomes clouded by cataracts. They can also be used to correct concerns such as myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), or astigmatism. They are typically made of a biocompatible material like silicone or acrylic.

The primary function of the eye’s natural lens is to focus light onto the retina, which allows us to see clearly. When the natural lens does not work as it should, an IOL can take its place to serve the same purpose, allowing patients with the ocular issues mentioned above to see more normally.*

What Kind of Intraocular Lenses (IOLs) Are Available?

At New Eyes Las Vegas, we offer a variety of state-of-the-art IOLs, each of which can significantly improve your vision and quality of life. Read below for an overview of our advanced IOL options.

Monofocal IOL

Monofocal IOLs have one point of focus – a single focus. Your surgeon can use a monofocal IOL to target far or near vision, but the monofocal IOL does not do both distance and near vision at the same time. For example, you can choose to have monofocal IOL lenses implanted in both eyes for distance vision and wear separate reading glasses, or you can have monofocal IOL lenses implanted for near vision and wear separate glasses for your distance vision.


Monovision involves implanting a monofocal IOL in one eye that aims for distance vision and an IOL in the other eye that aims for near reading vision. Monovision is a common way of correcting presbyopia, but it is not suitable for everyone. Some patients can adjust very well to monovision. However, the majority of patients cannot adapt to this imbalance and vision may seem blurry both near and far. Depth perception decreases as a result of eyes not working together for all tasks. The people who adapt best to this method are those who have already tried and liked monovision with contact lenses or LASIK.

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Accommodating Monofocal IOL

Accommodating IOLs are lenses that have a single focal point which is primarily set for distance in most patients and can provide some limited intermediate vision. The focal point can slightly move position in the eye so that the objects at distance are clear when the eye focuses on them, but when the eye looks at a near object, the IOL will shift its focal point to bring the nearer object into focus. Accommodating IOLs achieve this by physically moving inside the eye in response to the focusing action of the muscles inside the eye. 

The only FDA-approved IOL of this type is called the Crystalens®. Patients implanted with the Crystalens® IOL generally enjoy distance and some intermediate vision without glasses. These lenses don’t work well on patients with weak eye muscles. The eye muscles become weaker with age.

Multifocal IOL

The newest technological advances in IOLs focus on lenses that allow patients the freedom and lifestyle to see distance, intermediate, and near without wearing glasses. The TECNIS® Multifocal is designed to replace cataracts and correct presbyopia at the same time. These IOLs do not depend on the eye muscles moving the lens for near vision. A multifocal IOL can provide in both eyes the same distance vision as a monofocal IOL and excellent near vision without the need for glasses or contacts. There is no imbalance between eyes such as in the monovision correction. Multifocals are distance-dominant lenses and do require brighter light for the sharpest near vision. All intraocular lenses including monofocal IOLs can have shadow, reflective, glare, or halo visual qualities, especially at nighttime. Multifocal IOLs have more prominent circle effects around bright lights at night, which typically diminish over time.

AcrySof® IQ PanOptix® Trifocal IOL

The FDA-approved PanOptix® Trifocal IOL offers vision correction at all distances, and is designed to be effective in a variety of lighting conditions. This revolutionary IOL is often ideal for today’s active world, improving eyesight for everything from viewing mobile devices and computer screens to seeing clearly outdoors at long distances—and anything in between. In addition to addressing cataracts, the PanOptix® IOL can correct presbyopia and astigmatism, if present.

Unlike most traditional multifocal lenses, PanOptix® utilizes a proprietary technology called ENLIGHTEN™, which enables the lens to provide high-quality vision correction at near, far, and intermediate distances without compromise. According to an FDA clinical study, 99% of PanOptix® patients stated they would select the lens again.*

The Sunrise – that’s the first thing I noticed after my cataract surgery by Dr. Helga Pizio. I was actually slightly confused by the vibrant lavender light from the sunrise that I haven’t seen in years. I opted for the PanOptix Lens which I’m thrilled I was a candidate for. After my last post operative visit, I had 20/20 vision with no need for readers. Bad eyesight runs in my family and I never thought I could have vision like this.

New Eyes and the Green Valley Surgery Center made by cataract surgery effortless. The doctors and staff are informative and efficient. I was well taken care of with no issues. Thank you for my gift of good eyesight.

Connie M

AcrySof™ IQ Vivity™ Extended Vision IOL

New Eyes was among the first practices in Southern Nevada to offer the Alcon AcrySof™ IQ Vivity™ Extended Vision IOL. This innovative IOL is an FDA-approved non-diffractive lens that uses Wavefront-Shaping technology. This advancement enables the Vivity IOL to offer patients clearer vision at varying distances while minimizing side effects commonly associated with multifocal lenses, such as glare. This state-of-the-art IOL is the first of its kind — it is designed to address the effects of presbyopia like a multifocal IOL, yet provides sharper vision with a low incidence of visual disturbances like a monofocal IOL. In your consultation with Dr. Helga Pizio, Dr. Ksenia Stafeeva, or Dr. Emily Schorr, your surgeon can discuss the benefits and drawbacks of this lens and help you determine if it can best meet your needs.


The TECNIS® Symfony IOL is a revolutionary type of intraocular lens that offers numerous benefits for patients who need cataract surgery and have a desire for freedom from wearing glasses. This FDA-approved IOL is able to help patients focus through an extended range of focus on objects at far distance, intermediate, and near without the need for glasses or contact lenses. It can be particularly advantageous if you suffer from presbyopia, a condition that is common among people over 40 years of age and causes blurriness when looking at objects at a close range. In a clinical study, patients who were given the TECNIS® Symfony IOL achieved a higher level of vision improvement at near and intermediate distances, while attaining a similar improvement of far-distance vision, when compared with those who were given a TECNIS® monofocal lens. The Symfony group of patients was also found to be much less likely to need any corrective eyewear following the procedure.

The TECNIS® Symfony IOL has been studied in numerous clinical trials and has proven to provide many people with high-quality vision in a comprehensive range of lighting conditions. It has also been shown to reduce the likelihood of halos and glare around lights, and give patients continuous clear vision without visual “drop-offs” between far, intermediate, and near distances.

Another version of this intraocular lens – the TECNIS® Symfony Toric IOL – can help patients who have presbyopia and astigmatism. The Toric IOL can significantly reduce the blurry and distorted vision associated with astigmatism, giving patients a chance to see clearly without the need for glasses or contact lenses. 

Learn more about the TECNIS® Symfony IOL.

Which IOL is Right For Me?

During your consultation at New Eyes, our cataract surgeon will perform a thorough evaluation and talk with you about the many customized IOL options we offer. She will explain the advantages of each type of IOL that may be ideal for your unique needs, and will answer all of your questions. 

We proudly utilize “IOLMaster,” an advanced testing system that helps us predict the ideal type of IOL to meet a patient’s unique needs. Additionally, when performing SMART Cataract Surgery, we are able to use Optiwave Refractive Analysis (ORA) technology to even more precisely measure and place IOLs. Together, you and Dr. Pizio can determine the option most likely to bring you the best possible vision after cataract surgery.

How Much Do IOLs Cost?

The cost of IOLs can vary depending on the type being utilized, as well as other factors related to the cataract surgery procedure (such as the techniques employed, the surgeon’s fee, and pre- and post-operative care). Thankfully, many insurance companies will cover cataract surgery at least partially, and this often includes IOLs; however, it is worth it to contact your insurance company to determine what exactly will be covered. Our team is always happy to help you understand your benefits or communicate with your insurance company if you wish. Please also note that we offer financing options for eligible patients through CareCredit®.

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Schedule Your Consultation

For more information about the cataract surgery options offered at New Eyes, please contact our practice today to schedule your consultation.

Medical References*

American Academy of Ophthalmology 

National Institutes of Health