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Oculoplastic surgery is a specialized type of plastic and reconstructive surgery that focuses on the eyelids, the orbit (eye socket), the tear production, and drainage system — this applies to both reconstructive and aesthetic surgery. If you are considering options to rejuvenate your facial appearance with long-lasting, natural-looking results, our talented oculoplastic surgeon, Dr. P. Lloyd Hildebrand, along with the experienced New Eyes Las Vegas eye doctors offer advanced cosmetic enhancement procedures that can help you look as young as you feel. Our doctors can create a customized treatment plan designed to diminish under-eye bags, remove excess skin and fat in the upper eye regions, and smooth out lines and wrinkles in multiple facial areas. Additionally, Dr. Hildebrand offers a variety of reconstructive surgeries that can help improve the form and function of the eyelids and other facial anatomy.

Eyelid Surgery

Commonly referred to as an “eyelid lift,” upper blepharoplasty can resolve a number of concerns you may have about the appearance of your eyes. Upper eyelid surgery can address excess, overhanging skin that may be obstructing your vision, while lower blepharoplasty can remove puffiness and other signs of age and exhaustion. Our advanced procedures can ultimately provide a more refreshed and youthful appearance with results that last for years.

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Forehead/Brow Lift

A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, can help rejuvenate the face by tightening loose skin and underlying facial structures along the brow. Ideal candidates for this procedure are women and men in good health who wish to reduce or eliminate deep creases, excess skin, and other signs of aging on the forehead. This can include correcting sagging eyebrows and/or a perpetual sad, tired, or angry appearance. Individuals with mild to moderate wrinkles and good skin laxity may want to consider cosmetic injectables as an alternative to surgery. Dr. Hildebrand can help you determine which treatment is best for your concerns.

Lacrimal (Tear Duct) Surgery

Individuals who suffer from excess tearing that obstructs their vision may benefit from tear duct surgery. This procedure helps address blocked tear ducts and drainage issues. Depending on your case, Dr. Hildebrand may recommend dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) surgery, which restores the natural drainage from the eyes to the nose through the creation of a tear duct bypass drain. If you have noticed an overabundance of tear production that is affecting your ability to see clearly, please contact your eye doctor as soon as possible, as these issues often lead to infection when left untreated.

Eyelid Tumor Removal

Whether benign or cancerous, tumors of the eyelid can affect appearance and function. Expertise in minimalistic approaches to cyst or tumor removal (and any reconstruction required) improves the end results. Cancerous tumors of the eyelids are common in sun-exposed areas like Las Vegas, and often require some tissue removal. These treatments focus on complete excision, restoring eyelid function and cosmetic outcomes.

Orbital Tumor Removal

If a tumor has formed in or around the eye socket, removal is crucial, particularly if the tumor is found to be malignant (cancerous). Even when tumors are benign, however, these growths can affect one’s vision and should be addressed as soon as possible to avoid damage to the eye. Following a detailed assessment, which may include an MRI or CT scan, Dr. Hildebrand can carefully remove the tumor and reconstruct the affected orbital structures as needed. Tumor removal and reconstructive surgery are typically performed in two separate visits, depending on your case. Dr. Hildebrand takes great care to ensure the tumor is properly removed while providing the most natural-looking reconstructive results possible.

Facial Trauma Reconstruction

Injuries sustained to the face can sometimes cause complications related to the intricate underlying structures, such as tissues becoming trapped within a bone fracture. This may lead to functional or cosmetic concerns, as well. Through facial trauma reconstruction, Dr. Hildebrand can carefully release these tissues and reconstruct damage, always aiming to create an aesthetically pleasing outcome.

Chalazion Removal

A chalazion is an inflammatory growth that occurs on the eyelids, and is often confused with a stye. Chalazia are most commonly caused by a blockage in the eyelids’ oil glands, and many can be removed via a gentle treatment of warm compresses and massage. Although chalazia often resolve on their own or through at-home treatment, Dr. Hildebrand is able to remove them if they persist. In the event that a chalazion is unresponsive to at-home care, Dr. Hildebrand can either inject it with a steroid or perform a drainage procedure.

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Xanthelasma Treatment

Xanthelasma Palpebrarum (XP) is a rare condition, typically characterized by bumpy, yellow patches of skin around the corners of your eyelids. This condition is generally harmless, but some patients wish to have the patches removed for aesthetic reasons. Regardless of one’s desire to have a xanthelasma removed, having them checked by a doctor is still important for protecting your health. These patches are caused by an accumulation of cholesterol in the blood, so it can sometimes indicate a higher risk of developing heart disease. Dr. Hildebrand can determine the best way to remove your xanthelasma, based on your personal needs. Without treatment, a xanthelasma will not go away on its own, and could potentially grow in size. Some patients may experience regrowth after removal, particularly if they have a family history of high cholesterol. In these cases, Dr. Hildebrand can perform a follow-up treatment.

Eyelid Growths

Skin lesions on or around the eyelid are common, and can sometimes be cancerous—such as basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, sebaceous gland carcinoma, and melanoma. Depending on the size and location of the growth, even a benign lesion may still be of concern if it obstructs vision. In either case, Dr. Hildebrand is able to carefully remove the growth and help restore the eyelid’s natural function and appearance. If the lesion is found to be cancerous, he can utilize a specialized procedure where immediate “frozen section” pathology testing is used to ensure complete removal of the cancer. Following surgery, Dr. Hildebrand can reconstruct any affected areas to ensure optimal eyelid function and cosmetic appearance.

Contact New Eyes

To learn more about the oculoplastic and cosmetic facial procedures we offer, or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Hildebrand, please contact us today.